Teacher: George M. Cotzas, Tel: (518) 289-5637
E-mail: cotzasgm44@gmail.com
NYS Tri-City Greek Orthodox Churches
2024-2025 School Year
The Adult Greek Language School, via Zoom, accepts students from St. Sophia in Albany, St. George in Schenectady, and St. Basil in Troy, New York. 30 maximum enrollment.
Tuition is $300 per student. This includes the textbook for the first time a student takes any of the classes. The text book used is "Modern Greek 8th Edition" by Theodore Papaloizos.
Instruction will be provided for three levels of student proficiency: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced at one hour for each level, once a week. The minimum required number of students per level, for a level to be offered is three students.
Students cancelling their registration before the 3rd session, will get a full tuition refund. There will be no refunds for a cancellation after the 3rd session of the school year.
Classes will be held every Wednesday, starting at 5:00 pm for the Beginner Level, 6:00 pm for Intermediate, and 7:00 pm for the Advanced Level.
The school year begins on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. Classes will conclude in May 2025.
No classes will be held during the Holy Weeks of the Orthodox and Catholic/Protestant Churches, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, and the time period between Christmas and New Year’s Day.